Why Am I Here?

Soul Purpose.

Soul Purpose.

Soul Purpose.




I hear those words weekly from clients.

I read those words daily online.

I feel people constantly searching for their reason for being.

I’ve been exploring this concept for decades – both within and outside of myself.

Why Am I Here I pondered as a child looking deeply into the Universe as the moon and stars danced in the night sky.

Innately knowing there was more and curious as to what part I played in that.

Why Am I Here I mused with my best friend as we sat drunk on the beach watching the waves crash to shore and delving deeply into the meaning of life.

Having absolutely no bloody clue what is was all about, but doing a really good job of making the most of the experience – whatever it was meant to be.

Why Am I Here I desperately queried in my mid-twenties as I finished a second University degree.

Increasingly frustrated that despite all the hard work it still didn’t feel I had found my ‘thing’. You know, your thing!

Why Am I Here I laughed completely bemused at the ludicrous situation in which I found myself as I wondered through a massive brewery and manufacturing plant, which it seemed was my responsibility to ensure its safety.

Top of my industry; nailed the sought-after gig; scored the fancy income to reflect it – yet instantaneously realising, that this certainly was not why I was here.

But I did it anyway. Too proud to admit that I knew it wasn’t right and that I was so far off path it was not funny. Yikes that was an uncomfortable 5 years!

Ohhhhhhhhh….but what am I here?

The thoughts still plagued me as I moved through the motions of life, feeling that I was existing rather than truly living.

And then, as my baby girl was placed in my arms for the first time, I immediately remembered why I was here.

And oh my, how I was suddenly able to breathe knowing I had found my why and I allowed myself to fully immerse myself in my reason for being.

I was in love and I was happy and just like that my reason had appeared.

Yet sadly this reason seemed to disappear, gently fade away…….lost again.

Four years and another 2 babies later, I was brought to my knees and I once again I begged for the seemingly elusive answer to the question of all time, why am I here?

Dripping in guilt and shame, I finally admitted to myself, that my children were not my only reason to be here.

They should be enough. How can they not be enough? You’re a bad mother to think they are not enough’, my deeply programmed subconscious challenged and berated me.

Oh, the shame!

Oh, the guilt!

Oh, the internal emotional trauma.

I wasn’t happy. And in that space, nothing felt enough.

Distraught I needed to find Why Am I Here.

Now here is where I could say, well I stumbled into Kinesiology and remembered why I am here.

Maybe for a while I thought that I had found the perfect combination, Kinesiologist and Mother.  That combined they were my reason for being. They were my purpose.

But then the world seemed to tell me that as a mother I am not enough unless I’m doing X Y Z.

And then the world seemed to tell me that as a business woman I am not enough unless I’m doing X Y Z.

And then the world seemed to tell me that as a healer I am not enough unless I’m doing X Y Z.

And then I allow the world to take away my happiness as I allow myself to feel that I am not enough and that I haven’t nailed it at all. That I haven’t found my reason for being.

And then I get the courage to tell the world to shut the fxck up and I listen to something so much wiser than all these apparent worldly voices.

I listen to the truth that only my inner voice can speak. She knows me, she knows my inner world and she knows why I am here.

And I finally see it all.

And it’s so simple!

It’s not about who I am here or why I am here or what I do here or how I do it here.

It is about how I feel while I am here.

And if I am simply happy because I am doing things I love to do that make me feel happy, then my reason will appear.

So, in a round-about, yet insanely simple way, the reason why am I here is to be happy. Doing the things I love in life makes me happy. So do those. They are my reason.

And I know that my happiness, and my vibration when I am happy, has a more profound effect on the world than anything I could possibly do! My reason is to do that which I love so I can BE HAPPY.

Simple Einstein!

Just do what you love to do and allow yourself to be happy. Invite the vibration of happiness into your life daily, instead of all the other drama, negativity and BS.

And if there isn’t room for happiness in your life, and you think that this is an overly simplified view of life, then I invite you to test the waters. Just choose to be happy. Choose to do that which ou love. Life is too short to do what makes you unhappy, right?

And if you feel too stuck in your old stuff and you don’t think you have room for happiness, then I invite you to do your work; shift your stuff; release your emotional energy and exchange your lost, confused, empty experience for happiness…..and I assure you, that your reason for being will appear, just as mine has, just as so many of my clients have.



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